Hubs and I have moved into our new apartment and life is starting to feel more on track again! I am so excited for all the plans I have for Scribbling Grace in the next couple months. So be sure to subscribe to my email list to make sure you don’t miss anything (don’t worry, I only send out 1-2 emails a month!) I also have a brand new 4 page printable to give to you completely free if you sign up! You can sign up HERE. If you have already signed up- thank you! You are awesome, and you should have already received the new printable in your emails!
Alrighty, so two weeks ago I posted a flip through of one of my Journaling Bibles and asked for feedback on what ya’ll wanted tutorials of; and my goodness did I get so many ideas from you! So this week I am digging in with a pretty simple tutorial (and free printables!)
I call this the Blue Vines Page. Basically, I created a black-on-white concept on my iPad, printed it out, and then used watercolor to trace over it in my Journaling Bible. Easy Peasy, and super fun! Not going to lie, this idea is time-consuming, but it, of course, doesn’t have to be done in just one sitting.
The best part about this tutorial? IT IS GREAT PRACTICE FOR BEGINNER WATERCOLOR-ERS! It helps to learn control over the brush and amount of water to use, which are two of the trickiest things when it comes to watercolor painting. It’s also a simple shape, and because it’s fairly monotonous I found it to be super relaxing, and a great time to really appreciate my time in the Word.
Of course, you can also use colored pencils, acrylics, gelatos, markers, or whatever your heart desires to do this as well.
I encourage you to take the printable and use it in whatever way you want! Change up the color, use multiple colors, play with the placement (or use it so that it fits just inside the margins.) There are so many fun and creative things to try!
So no further ado- You can download the same traceable that I used to make my page here or by clicking the image below! No sign-ups or hoops! AND THERE’S A BONUS- if this intimidates you, or you just don’t have the time, there is a second page with a color version as well! You can print it out on sticker paper (I highly recommend these Avery clear mailing labels over any other sticker paper), letter over it, cut it up, or even turn it into a card! Have fun!
You can watch the full tutorial video below!