*Scroll down for supply list and helpful links*
Sunday was the two year anniversary of the Scribbling Grace Blog! I am so humbled and amazed at where God has taken this ministry!
Never in my wildest dreams did I think my little Bible journaling hobby would turn into a ministry that helps and encourages thousands to get into the Word of God and worship Him through art!
God is just SO GOOD and so powerful.
Can I let you in on a secret (that really is not so secret)? 99% of the time I have no clue what I am doing when it comes to
I attribute everything about this ministry to God. I am so thankful for where it has grown, and I pray that it will continue to grow and help even more people in their walk with Christ!

Of course, this ministry wouldn’t be where it is without my awesome readers/followers! I can’t tell you how thankful I am for you!
So I wanted to do a giveaway! I am giving away a Hand-Painted Bible over on my
Click here to go to the post and enter to win! It will be open until Sept. 20th!

Painting A Bible Cover Video
Since I’m giving away this Bible, I thought it would be fun to do a little video showing the Bible painting process!
I have a post that talks all about Bible painting HERE. That post goes more in-depth, and I highly suggest checking it out.
But if you are curious about how I paint Bibles with watercolor. Check out the video below!
Supplies Used
*This article contains affiliate links. CLICK HERE for my full disclosure*
- ESV Double Column Journaling Bible With Customizable Cover– You can also use the single-column version, or any hardcover Bible you like.
- Liquitex White Gesso
- Liquitex Basics White Acrylic
- Kurretake Gansai Tambi Watercolors– I have the 36 color set, but I just saw they now have a 48 color set! Whoot Whoot.
- Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen
- Spray Matte Mod-Podge Sealer
Helpful Links
How To Paint The Cover Of A Bible- Full Tutorial
Painting A Bible Cover With Watercolor Steps
1. Prep the Bible
*This article contains affiliate links. CLICK HERE for my full disclosure*
First, you need to pick your Bible. For watercolor Bibles, I like to use the ESV Customizable Cover Bible. They recently released a single-column version, but I use the double-column version. However, you can paint any type of hardcover Bible. I like the customizable cover because it saves a lot of prep time.
Once you have your Bible, you need to prepare it! I first paint on a layer of Liquitex white gesso. I like this gesso for Bible painting because of the gritty texture. The paint seems to stick to it a little better than other brands, but any brand will do.
Note: If you use a Bible with a glossy cover, I recommend spaying a base of spray paint primer first. For other cloth-covered Bibles you can skip this step.
Then I paint on as many layers of Liquitex white acrylic until I get the completely white surface that I want.
If you paint the flowers/decorations with acrylic instead of watercolor, you can use any color of acrylic instead of white. And you can also skip this next part:
And finally, to finish the prep, I apply another layer of gesso. I want that gritty texture for the watercolor to go on top of. *Again I only add this step when using watercolor.
2. Paint with Watercolor
After I prep the background of the Bible I just dig in and start painting with the watercolors. My Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolor set is my all-time favorite.
For the giveaway Bible, I painted some pink roses and green leaves. Check out the tutorial HERE on how to paint them!

3. Add lettering
At this point, I add the lettering on the Bible. I like to use a Tombow Fudenosuke for watercolor Bibles. But, for my normal all acrylic Bibles, I prefer to use a Uniposca Paint Pen. I don’t use the paint pen for watercolor Bibles because it snags and splatters on the gritty gesso covered base.
I also will note that with all-acrylic Bibles, I like to paint on a layer of traditional matte mod podge (rather than use the spray mod podge), then add my lettering, and then seal with another layer of mod-podge. But you can’t paint on mod-podge on top of watercolor- see next step
4. Seal the Bible
I usually prefer to use normal matte mod-podge and paint it onto the Bible, however, if you try to paint sealer on top of watercolor it will be a disaster- trust me. So instead, for watercolor Bibles, I use spray matte mod podge to seal the Bible.
The spray mod-podge works just as well at sealing, however, it leaves a different texture to the Bible (not necessarily in a bad way) and pens/markers are much harder to write on top of it. So, that’s why I add lettering before sealing.
I recommend at least 2 layers of spray mod

You’re done !
Painting a Bible with watercolor as opossed to acrylic is much trickier, but can be done!
This post is a little different than I normally do, but I’m so passionate about sharing my knowledge. If you’d rather just buy a painted Bible from me you can do so at my Etsy Shop!