This post on “how to paint a Bible cover” has been requested by so many, but honestly, I found myself putting off creating it!
To be completely transparent, since I just recently started an Etsy shop selling painted Bibles and printables, I have been scared that if I teach others how to do what I do, that I would create more competition for myself, or lose a lot of my potential customers. And well, a human part of me was like, “I did so much work to figure out what works best, and I am just going to give that knowledge away for free?” So for weeks, I battled my heart that wants to share my knowledge, and my brain that is not so giving.
But then I had this aha moment. I really don’t have many moments where I feel like God is clearly telling me something- But when it came to this Blog and business, I have so clearly heard him directing me- that my purpose is to share His Word through art, and teach others how they can use creativity to grow their relationships with God as well.
When it comes to painting Bibles, I so badly want to reflect on the outside, how beautiful the scripture is on the inside!
So if I have the knowledge that can somehow pour God’s light on others, you bet I am going to share it!
My hope is that perhaps the Bible you paint using this tutorial will draw the eye of another, and in turn, spread His word to more people than I could ever hope to reach on my own!
So anyway, now that I shared a little look into my imperfect self, let’s get painting!
First things first, let’s talk supplies.
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- You can paint any type of hardcover Bible, however, cloth covered Bibles are the easiest to work with. (The stock Bibles I sell are ESV Double Column Journaling Bibles- but I do take special orders for other versions as well 😉 )
- If you are using a cloth-covered Bible, you may or may not decide to prime the Bible, I know a few other painted Bible sellers who do not prepare their Bible. After trying a bunch of options, I chose to prepare mine with a layer of white gesso– I feel like it just helps the paint adhere a little better.
- If you are using a glossy-covered Bible, you will definitely want to prime the Bible! For these Bibles, I use a spray paint primer! This will keep the paint from chipping or scraping off.
- I use Liquitex acrylic paints for painting my Bibles. They are a nice thick consistency and easy to work with.
- I use a variety of fairly cheap brushes that I get from the value packs at the art supply store. Large flat brushes are great for the backgrounds and large sections, a smaller flat brush is nice for painting the inner edge of the Bible, and round brushes are great for design elements.
- To seal the Bible and protect it from wear-and-tear, I use a mixture of Mod Podges- about one part gloss Mod Podge to three parts matte Mod Podge
- I use paint pens to do all my lettering. My favorite are Uni Posca extra-fine paint pens.
Now for the method.
I go over my method in depth in the video below, however, if you are more of a reader, I will list my steps as well!
1. Prime your Bible
As mentioned above, I either paint a layer of white gesso on a cloth-covered Bible or use a spray paint primer on glossy/ faux leather covers.
2. Paint the base coats
Next, paint the background of your Bible. In my video, the Bibles are one solid color, but this could also be a landscape outline. I do anywhere from 2-4 layers for my background depending on how much coverage I get out of each layer. I try to keep my layers thin, as I feel it creates a prettier finish. So paint one layer, let it dry, and then paint another.
3. Paint the inside edges
Don’t forget to paint the inside edges of the Bible! I feel like the Bible looks unfinished if you leave these inside edges unpainted. This part of the process is time-consuming and a little nerve-racking because its a pretty tiny edge you have to work with and it’s easy to bump onto the paper part of the cover.
4. Paint the design/ details
Once you have your background, you can paint your design! This is the fun part! If you haven’t done much painting, just remember it takes practice! I have a bunch of watercolor tutorials here on the blog, and really I use pretty much the same techniques with the acrylic paint as I do with watercolors, so I will put a few links at the bottom of this post that may be helpful!
5. Apply the first protective coating
After painting the main design, and before adding the lettering, I like to add a protective coating (I add another coating after the lettering as well as you’ll see.) Ultimately, this layer is not super necessary, but I like having that extra protection, and it also gives a smoother surface to do the lettering on. As mentioned above, I use a mixture of three parts matte Mod Podge with one part gloss Mod Podge. Just brush it on super nice and even, and be careful not to touch it once it starts drying or it will give you a wonky texture.
6. Add lettering if wanted
Next, I will add the lettering to the Bible. I like to use a pencil to make sure I have the placement right, and then I’ll get to lettering. I use the Uni Posca paint pens and I go over my lettering twice to make sure it is a nice and opaque color.
For my semi-custom and custom orders, each customer gets to choose what they would like lettered on the front, spine, and back of the Bible; though some choose to leave some sides blank.
7. Add the final protective coating.
Lastly, I add another coat of my Mod Podge blend to seal in the lettering and give it extra protection.
Though I haven’t had any issues with chipping once the coatings are on, with excessive use, the paint may still crack along the spines, so I always warn my customers to treat their Bible with the utmost care!
Each painted Bible takes me anywhere from 3-8 hours to complete! It’s a time-consuming process and takes a lot of effort, but it is so fun!
Check out my Etsy Shop HERE if you are interested in purchasing a hand-painted Bible!
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