I am so thankful for this growing Ministry, and I am so thankful to YOU for reading and participating in my tutorials!
It has been such a blast to share what I know, all the while glorifying God and strengthening his Kingdom.
Even if you have been following for a while, I know it can be hard to keep up with every post. So I thought now was a great time to recap some of my most popular posts from this year! If you are stumbling upon the blog for the first time- welcome! This is the perfect place to start.
Bible journaling
Bible journaling tutorials are at the heart of the Scribbling Grace Blog, so its the perfect place to begin this recap.
By far the biggest question I get asked is what supplies I use. THIS POST lays out all of my favorite supplies that are tried-and-true to work well with a Journaling Bible (Almost all of the supplies require no page preparation either!).
Another big question is what Bible I use or which journaling Bible they should get. My post HERE on Choosing A Journaling Bible goes over all the types of Journaling Bibles currently out there and has a free infographic to help find the right Bible for you based on style and translation.
And while we are answering questions, you can find my FAQ page HERE.
Now, when it comes to actually Bible journaling, by far my most popular tutorial has been THIS ONE on creating an easy watercolor rose. This post is almost a year old and it is still my number one, go-to, flower to paint.
I have a post on creating similar roses with acrylic paints as well, HERE.
Some other super fun tutorials are the Bubble Painting In Your Bible Tutorial and the Bible Journaling With Household Objects Series (I personally loved using forks and q-tips).
I also have some great posts that include free printables such as the watercolor world tutorial, watercolor bird tutorial, and watercolor forest tutorial.
Lastly, for those of you who are new or don’t think you can do Bible journaling because you “are not artistic enough” this one is for you!- Click here.
Did you know that I currently have six hand-lettering tutorials?- Almost all of which contain free printables!
If you want to learn how to create pretty hand lettering, I highly suggest starting with the Faux Calligraphy Tutorial and then moving on to the Brush Pen Calligraphy Basics post.
Once you are comfortable with those, check out the bounce lettering tutorial and post on 10 easy hand-lettering styles!
Bible Painting
If you follow me on social media, you’ll see me posting pictures of the Painted Bibles I sell in my Etsy Shop. I absolutely love painting Bibles and making the outside of the Bible as beautiful as the scripture inside it. It was scary to openly share everything I know about painting Bibles. I risked losing customers or creating more competition for my business. But, I’m glad I shared because all-in-all I just want to honor God and get his Word out in the World more!
You can find the How To Paint The Cover Of A Bible post HERE.
Bible Study
My post on How I Study The Bible is another post that was scary to share, as it is so personal to me; but it has now become my top viewed video on youtube!
I think it is important to study the Bible separately from Bible journaling, because often times, even when we don’t mean to, we can get caught up in the art aspect of Bible journaling and forget the purpose of it. Which is to dig deeper into the Word and spend time with God.
Learn about how I (in-depth) study my Bible HERE.
Thank you again for taking the time to read and support this Blog! It’s thanks to you that this ministry keeps growing, and I am so excited to see where God takes it in the next year!
To make sure you don’t miss any future posts, be sure to sign up for my email newsletter HERE!
I would also love to connect with you! Let me know how long you have been following the Blog in the comments! And be sure to reach out on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, or Pinterest!
Many Blessings,