So when I first started doing Bible journaling I was intimidated by all the photos on Instagram and Pinterest of these gorgeous Bible pages, and I felt there was no way I had the talent to do something close to that. But I gave it my all anyway, and guess what!? Now, two years later, after lots of practice, I get people telling me often that I AM an artist and that MY Instagram is one of those inspiring but intimidating accounts!
Though that is nice to hear, I want to encourage you that Bible journaling should not be intimidating! I believe that God gives everyone enough talent to create Bible art; whether that is by making gorgeous, in-depth paintings, or just writing down some notes neatly in the margin. Turn your heart to the Lord and give him your time and energy and I know he will help you create pages you are proud of.
If you still aren’t sure where to begin, let me share with you a few great ways to illustrate in your Bible without needing to be “artistic”.
I made a quick video detailing these four techniques I mention and showing how I used each one to create a quick bible page! Scroll down to the bottom of this post or CLICK HERE to watch!
I also created a free printable of different Bible journaling elements for you to have and use in your bible! Trace them, or cut them out and color them in! It’s yours to have fun with! Download your printable by clicking here or on the image below!
Trace It
Tracing is such a great way to create hand-drawn images that you don’t know how to draw yourself! I think that some people feel like tracing is cheating, but I assure you it’s not! God isn’t going to be disappointed in you for tracing in your Journaling Bible! Print out images from online, or trace from coloring books or photos, there is so much inspiration to be had. The free printable I created, as mentioned above, is PERFECT for tracing! Just cut out the element you want to trace, slide it under your page and get to it!
Use Stickers and/or Washi Tape
I love going to the craft store and looking through all the rows and rows of stickers available. It reminds me of the little green box, that was full of stickers, that I had as a kid :). Now my sticker box has morphed a bit from kittens and dinosaurs to florals and alphabets, but it’s still just as fun laying stickers down on my pages! Alphabet stickers are particularly great to use if you don’t like your handwriting or lettering. And with the amount of beautiful stickers out there, you are bound to find something that speaks to you.
I’m also adding washi tape into this sticker category. If you aren’t familiar with washi tape, it is basically a fancy masking tape; it is easy to remove and comes in all kind of sizes, patterns, and colors. Washi is great for adding a little extra design to your page; I love to use it to make simple tabs, and backgrounds for my letter stickers. It is also great for covering up mistakes!
Add Some Watercolor
Watercolor can seem intimidating to many people. But I will always encourage you to give it a try. The beauty of watercolor is that it is versatile and forgiving. You can keep it very simple and just paint a light color as a background or surrounding a word and it will instantly make your page pop. And as you grow more comfortable you can branch out more into painting flowers or mountains, or whatever your big heart desires!
I use watercolor is almost every Bible page that I make because I love that it doesn’t bleed-through, and you can usually still see the text underneath (if you are like me and don’t mind going over some of the text.) Even just adding a splatter of watercolor with a toothbrush or paintbrush can give that finishing touch your page needs! I do have a post on Watercolor Basics that I highly recommend checking out; you can find that HERE 🙂
Use Stamps
Stamps, like stickers and tracing, are awesome for the drawing and lettering inept. There are so many different stamps that the options are endless. The thing you do have to be wary about though is the type of ink pad you use. I recommend using a PIGMENT INK such as Illustrated Faith or Color Box. These tend not to bleed through the page, whereas chalk or dye-based inks will. Alternatively, you can prep your bible page beforehand with gesso (see my how-to here) and you won’t need to worry about the type of ink you use.
Check out the video, and Bible page tutorial, to go with this post below!
Remember that Bible journaling is not about creating the most beautiful page to post on Instagram or to rival the people of Pinterest. Your Bible journal is for YOU. It’s a way to study and learn from God’s word in a creative way. So say a prayer before you open your Bible, for God to open your heart to his word, and to give you guidance on what to put down on the page. Also, remember that your page can be as simple or extravagant as YOU want. There is nothing wrong with using a pencil and just writing your feelings about the scripture down, just like there is nothing wrong with creating a multilayered piece of art. It is all beautiful to the Lord!
No matter your artistic level, you can still do some beautiful Bible journaling! Keep the focus on God and his word, and HAVE FUN WITH IT!
Let me know in the comments any of your questions or thoughts!
xoxo Jenna