This Bible Journaling With Me post is on how I painted a lightning storm in my Bible using acrylic paints!
Now, I did this painting as a Bible journaling page in the Interleaved Journaling Bible I am creating for my soon-to-be-born Son. (See post- Creating A Journaling Bible For A Loved One). However, you can absolutely create this on a separate sheet of paper and create a tip-in out of it, or try it out in a sketchbook, on canvas, etc.! I would encourage you to give it a go, and have fun creating!

Materials Used
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- ESV Interleaved Journaling Bible- I used THIS leather-bound Bible, but they have other more budget-friendly covers, like THIS ONE and THIS ONE.
- Apple Barrel Acrylic Paints– I used Jet Black, English Navy, Tuscan Teal, and White
- Makeup sponge– I think any type of sponge will work for this, so try it out with what you have on hand!
- UniPosca White Paint Pen
- Micron Pen
- Craft Heat Gun
- Large Paint Brush- The size or type really isn’t important, you just want to use it to get the paint on the page.

Painting The Lightning Storm
Honestly, I totally winged this page and didn’t really know what I was doing, but it ended up so beautiful and striking that it is now one of my favorite Bible journaling pages I have done!
The process is pretty simple. I painted white paint in the center of my page, then added blues and black paint, getting darker as I went to the outside edges of the page. I then used a sponge to slightly blend the colors together. I continued this process, adding more and more layers until I was happy with the background and the coverage of the page. I used a paint pen to add
Acrylics do not bleed through, so there was no need to prep the page with gesso beforehand.
See the video below to see how it’s done!
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