*Scroll down for the tutorial video and supply list*
“Kind words are like
I have now had this blog for almost two years! Can you believe it?! Time sure does fly when you’re having fun!
Over the last two years, I have learned so much and grown a ton- personally and professionally. But best of all, I have connected with SO MANY
I constantly feel so thankful for this amazing Bible journaling community that loves to support and lift each other up with kind words.

If you are new to Bible journaling, and aren’t familiar with the online community, I encourage you to join in on Instagram (check out hashtags like #biblejournaling and #biblejournalingcomminuty to find people to follow), or join a Bible journaling facebook group or two (here’s an active one that I am a part of)!
Honeycomb Tutorial And Free Printable
To illustrate Proverbs 16:24 I decided to paint honeycomb using watercolors on my Bible page! It’s also funny because other honeycomb pages for this verse have been popping up all over my social media lately from other talented Bible journalers! So it all just goes hand in hand with kindness and the community!
I made a quick little traceable of a simple honeycomb pattern that I could use to paint the hexagons onto my page rather that free handing it. And of course, I’m including it here so that you can use it too!
Click Here To Download The Free Honeycomb Printable

*This article contains affiliate links. CLICK HERE for my full disclosure*
The printable really makes creating this page simple and fun!
I used my Illustrated Bible, a few different yellow colors from my Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolor Set, and my Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen. I moved the printable around underneath my Bible page and traced over it with the paint until I got the look I wanted. (Nope, I don’t prep my page for watercolors either!)
As always, this is just my interpretation, and there are so many things you can do to make it your own! Use just one color, or different colors completely, fill the whole page with the hexagons, trace the hexagons with a pen to make them stand out more, Etc.! You could even do away with the honeycomb idea completely and just use the traceable for a fun geometric pattern!
Watch The Video Below For The Full Tutorial
Supplies Used
*This article contains affiliate links. CLICK HERE for my full disclosure*
- Free Honeycomb Printable
- The Illustrating Bible (link is to the newer version of the Bible I have)
- Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolor Set
- Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen
- Size 8 (or any small) Paint Brush– I don’t use any specific brand, I get synthetic brushes in value packs from the craft store
- Craft Heat Gun
Other Helpful Posts
- Eight Must-Have Bible Journaling Supplies
- 10 Simple Hand-Lettering Styles (Plus a free cheat sheet)
- Illustrating Bible Review
- Brush Calligraphy Basics
- Bounce Lettering Tutorial
- Faux-Calligraphy Tutorial– Three Simple Steps To Beautiful Hand Lettering