This blog has been around for three years now! Can you believe it? I sure can’t!
I am constantly in awe at where God has taken this blog. Personally, this Bible journaling community has been such a blessing in my life. I have grown so much in my faith and as a Christian these last few years and have been able to connect with so many amazing people. And the idea that this blog is impacting others as well is such a gift. All the glory goes to God.
I pray that God will continue to use this ministry and Bible journaling to help Christians, new and old, to grow closer in their relationship with Him.
So, to celebrate three years, I thought it would be fun to walk down memory lane and take a look at some pasts post! Will you join me?
There are over 100 tutorials on the blog now, so its hard to choose just a few, but I went exploring my archives and picked out some favorite tuorials. Some are newer, some older, some very popular, and some not popular at all (haha).
If you’d like, at the bottom of the blog you’ll see the “archives”. You can click on a month and it’ll show you which posts were published then. It can be a fun way to find Bible journaling ideas. There is also a search bar in the upper right corner of the blog, search a word or phrase, and I likely will have a tutorial for it!
Also note, the 20 posts I’m going to share today are only going to be Bible journaling tutorials/ ideas. But I would also recommend checking out my posts on Bible journaling supplies and eight must-have Bible journaling supplies, as well as my tutorials on hand-lettering/calligraphy.
The following ideas/tutorials are in no particular order! Just click on the image to go to the corresponding tutorial!
1. Watercolor Waterfall With A Free Printable

2. Napkin Technique- Fall/Thanksgiving Bible Journaling

3. Easy Q-Tip Lilacs

4. Masking Fluid Flowers

5. Watercolor Tip-in Tutorial

6. Watercolor Guitar With A Free Printable

7. Acrylic Lightning Storm

8. Holding Hand- Beginner Friendly Bible Journaling- With A Free Printable

9. Abstract Sun With A Free Printable

10. Three Fun, Easy, And Creative Techniques To Try In Your Journaling Bible

11. Easy Watercolor Roses

12. Step-By-Step Watercolor Wreath

13. Bible Journaling With Household Objects- Part One- Forks

14. Bible Journaling With Household Objects- Part Three- Q-Tips

15. Bible Journaling With Dark Backgrounds

16. Hand Lettering Styles Bible Journaling Page

17. Monochrome Leaves

18. Watercolor Branches- Two Page Spread

19. Watercolor Deer Silhouette With A Free Printable

20. Bible Journaling With Stencils